All resources are open-source or invited contributions. Self-published, non-commercial, grassroots, and rare materials were prioritised. Permission has been granted to share them.
This website will continue to develop and be added to over time. The site is predominantly in the English language. We aim to incorporate materials across the Globe from various languages translated into English. If you have materials you would like to contribute, please complete this email form.
This site is part of the legacy of Desperate Living. Supported by the programme, throughout 2020-22 Raju Rage and The Right Lube hosted a series of workshops exploring queer and transgender 'community'. They conducted workshops around Harm Reduction; the politics and experience of self-medding; hormones, and trans youth. They shared art-activist works online via Studio Voltaire’s website and organised IRL events distributing much-needed supplies and taking members of the trans community to trans health clinics. They also co-hosted a grief retreat to support the loss of the trans community as well as ongoing IRL trans social hangouts in London with The Right Lube.
Along the way, they gathered valuable information from transgender people, medical practitioners and organisations about trans health that they would like to share.
To accompany the website, Raju Rage has written a reflective essay 'Deadlinks and Downloads'.