Ghislaine Leung lives and works in London and Brussels. Recent projects include: BRINK, CGP London; Re: Re:, New Work, London; Violent Incident, Vleeshal, Middelburg; Prosu(u)mer, EKKM, Tallinn; Performance Capture, Stedelijk, Amsterdam; A Bright Night, with Serpentine Galleries and LUX, London; Exchange, Flat Time House, London. She is editor of Versuch Press and member of PUBLIKATIONEN + EDITIONEN. She is resident at Hospitalfield Summer 2016 with a forthcoming solo project at WIELS, Brussels in September 2016.

Soft Open Shut
Ghislaine Leung
11 May 2016
A performance by Brussels-based artist and writer Ghislaine Leung in response to Sharon Hayes’ exhibition In My Little Corner of the World, Anyone Would Love You at Studio Voltaire.
Taking leave from a typical album structure, Leung presents a series of tracks, text and music, which ‘play out the intimacies and withdrawals of living with each other and ourselves’. Leung explores formal registers of public speaking including interior monologue, reading and recital. A limited edition publication distributed during the performance is also available here as a digital download.
Read more about In My Little Corner of the World, Anyone Would Love You