Looking Out: Looking In

A weekend of sharing and caring from ZINE COOP

International artist-in-residence Beatrix Pang 彭倩幗 (they/them/他, b. Hong Kong) and ZINE COOP are hosting an indie publishing cultural programme with creative activities and workshops.

Pang is the first recipient of Studio Voltaire and LOEWE FOUNDATION’s inaugural year-long international residency as part of the LOEWE FOUNDATION / Studio Voltaire Award. Pang is using their residency to expand their self-publishing practice and produce a series of zines in collaboration with Studio Voltaire’s studio community and audiences. Looking Out: Looking In references the ways in which we look out for one another and open ourselves up when engaging within communities, whilst looking in is also necessary for self-reflection and caring for ourselves.

This event forms part of ZINE COOP’s third annual party. The exhibiting artists’ work explore the theme ‘the Yin/Yang of Resistance/Acceptance’ by seeking to answer:

  • What do we need that we are not getting in our daily and spiritual lives?
  • What obstacles have come our way and how have we learnt to live with them?
  • What rifts have developed within our communities and how have we found ways to move on?
  • How have we learnt to soothe ourselves with creature comforts and self-care?

Attendees can browse zines, learn more about the power and politics of independent publishing, and join in creative activities.

Friday 23 June 2023

Ode to Book People Screening, 7–8.30 pm

A documentary film screening about the communities and struggles faced by indie bookshops in Southeast Asia.

Saturday 24 June 2023

Rethinking Scale with Kin Long Tong, 12–1.30 pm
A talk exploring the potentialities, strengths and weaknesses of 'small-ness' and/or 'indie-ness' in publishing activism, followed by a Q&A.

Lino Printing with Ranee Ng, 2–6 pm

A creative lino-printing workshop led by Ranee Ng, exploring the theme of 'comfort'.

Sunday 25 June 2023

Looking Out: Looking In, Zinesters Gathering, 12–6 pm

A zine fair showcasing London-based East and Southeast Asian zinesters and creators.

Queer Reads Lexicon Zine Workshop (Chinese Edition), 1–3 pm

With Beatrix Pang (Queer Reads Library). A zine-making and sharing workshop on queerness and language, open to LGBTQIA+ people aged 16 and over, who are of Chinese heritage, from the Chinese-speaking diaspora, or those interested in Chinese languages and how queer language travels.

ZINE COOP Party: Live! – Session One, 3–6 pm

Join us for the third edition of the annual virtual ZINE COOP Party. This is a hybrid online and in-person event.

Saturday 1 July 2023

ZINE COOP Party: Live! – Session Two, 2–5 pm

An online party space with live panel discussions and artist conversations

  1. Beatrix Pang 彭倩幗 (they/them/他, b. Hong Kong)’s early practice revolved around still/moving images, performance and printed medium. After completing education in art photography and fundamental design in Hong Kong and Scandinavia, Pang founded Small Tune Press on their own in 2011, which focused on producing artists’ books and zines in Hong Kong. A few years later, Pang co-founded ZINE COOP and Queer Reads Library. The former is a platform to promote Hong Kong zine culture, the latter is a mobile library creating space for queer inclusivity and visibility in Hong Kong and Asian diaspora communities.

  2. ZINE COOP is an independent publishing collective based in Hong Kong. They collect, curate and educate through zine publications, workshops and exhibitions. Founded in 2017, they operate without a fixed or hierarchical membership system and welcome all interested parties to contribute in their own way. Current active members are geographically scattered across Hong Kong, England, Japan and Canada but are united in spirit. ZINE COOP publishes zines, runs zine making workshops, and tables at zine fairs around the world.

  3. The LOEWE FOUNDATION was established as a private cultural foundation in 1988 by Enrique Loewe, a fourth-generation member of LOEWE’s founding family. Today, the Foundation continues to promote creativity, organise educational programmes and protect cultural heritage in the fields of craft, design, photography, poetry and dance. The Foundation was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts by the Spanish government in 2002.  

    More information:
    web | loewe.com
    blog | blogfundacionloewe.es
    Instagram | @loewefoundation