rarely pure and never simple
The Oscar Wilde Temple Artists’ Group

February–April 2019

Published as part of The Oscar Wilde Temple Artists’ Group Winter programme (February–April 2019), led by writer and filmmaker Juliet Jacques with artist Virgil B/G Taylor.

The sessions explored different forms of writing and its dissemination, including short stories, fiction and life writing, through performance and zine making. This zine, rarely pure and never simple, was produced by the participants and includes poetry, prose, fan-fiction and artwork.

To purchase a printed copy of the zine for £4, please email info@studiovoltaire.org

All funds support The Albert Kennedy Trust, which works to ensure safe homes and better futures for LGBTQ+ young people.

  1. Studio Voltaire collaborated with national LGBTQ+ youth homelessness charity The Albert Kennedy Trust on a wide–reaching participation programme offering six months of workshops, events, mentoring and professional development for young people, in partnership with leading artists, writers and designers. The Oscar Wilde Temple Artists’ Group was open to anyone aged 16-25 who identified as LGBTQ+. The group drew inspiration from the exhibition, The Oscar Wilde Temple, to explore queer and trans art, history and politics, collaborating with artists to make their own work.

  2. Rarely pure and never simple © 2019, the authors and Studio Voltaire, London

    The Oscar Wilde Temple Artists’ Group was organised by Laura Harford and Zoe Birkinshaw Collaboratively designed with Virgil B/G Taylor fag.tips

    All images courtesy the artist and Studio Voltaire, London