The Walk to Dover
Lali Chetwynd

25 August–03 September 2005

The Walk to Dover was produced as part of an offsite commission for Studio Voltaire by artist Lali Chetwynd. Emulating the narrative from Charles Dickens’ semi-autobiographical novel, David Copperfield, Chetwynd led a group of walkers in full costume from London to Dover during a seven-day expedition. The walk retraced Copperfield’s journey from a Blacking Warehouse in London to Dover where he found sanctuary with his aunt, Betsy Trotwood. As David Copperfield foraged for food on his journey, so will the group attempt to live off the land, looking for free food.

Read more about the commission The Walk to Dover

  1. Lali Chetwynd, formerly known as Spartacus Chetwynd and Marvin Gaye Chetwynd and now known as Monster Chetwynd (b. 1971, London), was a former studio member and has a close relationship to Studio Voltaire. Recent solo exhibitions include: MASSIMODECARLO, Paris (2023), Sadie Coles HQ, London (2022) and Konsthall C, Stockholm (2021). They were nominated for Beck’s Futures in 2005 and has previously staged performances at Gasworks, London (2004) and Tate Britain, London (2003). Chetwynd is represented by Sadie Coles HQ, MASSIMODECARLO and Galerie Gregor Staiger.

  2. Lali Chetwynd, The Walk to Dover, 2005. A Studio Voltaire commission. Courtesy of the artist and Studio Voltaire, London.