Juliette Ezaoui

Juliette Ezaoui’s practice delves into the complex interrelationships between living and non-living, and human and non-human systems, particularly through the lens of soil. Having studied horticulture at OrganicLea in London, Ezaoui’s recent work explores how soil, as a dynamic medium, reveals a multitude of interconnections, creating the foundation for life above the soil. She is particularly concerned with the idea that humans are not isolated individuals but are intricately linked to the multitude of organisms and materials that surround them. This understanding, she believes, holds the potential to challenge Western models of consumerism, politics, and economics, offering a pathway to address the climate emergency.

Through her work, Ezaoui engages with the pressing issues of soil degradation caused by modern industrial practices, such as erosion, desertification, and drought. In The Garden of Unearthly Delights, inspired by Charles Darwin’s studies, she elevates earthworms to a sacred status, presenting their secret life in a religious triptych format. In My Bingo Table, Ezaoui challenges perceptions of transformation, encouraging viewers to reflect on the constant reconfiguration of matter in both natural and human-made systems.

    1. Juliette Ezaoui, Collection of Sand II, 2022. Installation view for OrganicLea Farm, London
    2. Juliette Ezaoui, Spore, Bingo, Evolution, 2023. Detail Monoprint. Photography © Nick Matthews
    3. Juliette Ezaoui, Studio Detail, Photography © Nick Matthews
    4. Juliette Ezaoui, Witch Stone, Seed Pods, Bee Hive, 2023. Monoprint. Photography © Nick Matthews
    5. Juliette Ezaoui, Collection of Sand II, 2022. Still from Installation video for OrganicLea Farm, London