About Adia Wahid

Adia Wahid (b. 1971 Karachi) lives and works in London. Her drawings and paintings can be described as diagrams doubled over other diagrams, in search of yet another level of diagram that never quite knows which time it is in. Time and cultural syntax are spliced together, but in ways that leave gaps or striations. The brain is strange in the way it is able to process and create reality. Something is not there and then it is: a drawing might mediate such a passage between absence and presence. This corresponds to the process of recording and erasing.

Wahid holds a BFA from the University of the Arts London, an MA from the Royal College of Art and previously studied Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Recent exhibitions include: Glitch: The City as Palimpsest, Cooke Latham Gallery, London; Iris, Large Glass Gallery London; Facing The Sun, Kristin Hjellegjerde, Schloss Goerne; Wabi-Sab, Kristin Hjellegjerde, London; Blink and You'll Miss It, AMP Gallery, London; Modern Finance, Thames Side Studios Gallery, London; and Adia Wahid (solo), Alice Black Art, London.

“Adia Wahid creates diagrammatic paintings in which visual formulas repeat across the canvas. Mesmeric in their order they also draw attention to the ‘errors’, the glitches that occur within her self- applied system. In Wahid’s work human error mirrors the technological and biological glitches that occur in the wider world. The paintings can be read as microcosms of the city, a site of continually applied ‘order’ and the intrinsic disruption that is its counterpart.” - Cooke Latham Gallery

  1. Adia Wahid, Almost, Nearly, Just and The Glitch Code - Episode III. Photography by Francis Ware.

Studio Voltaire
1A Nelsons Row
London SW4 7JR

Open Wednesday–Sunday, 10 am–5 pm.

Registered Charity No: 1082221. Registered Company No: 03426509. VAT No: GB314268026