Cookie Mueller Reading Series

9 September–12 November 2017

This special series of readings took place as part of the public programme for Putti’s Pudding, an exhibition of works by Cookie Mueller and Vittorio Scarpati at Studio Voltaire, 2017.

Readings were held weekly throughout the exhibition, with artists, activists, writers, academics and performers sharing their chosen passages from Cookie Mueller’s collected writings and short stories, including Dogs I Have Known, Another Boring Day, The One Percent, The Italian Remedy, Go–Going, The Berlin Film Festival, Notes from an American Childhood, The Birth of Max Mueller, Abduction and Rape, John Waters and the Blessed Profession, Sam’s Party, Pink Flamingos and British Columbia.

Mueller penned a self–help medical column for East Village Eye, whilst also writing a regular art diary for Annie Flanders’ Details magazine. Her work was published in magazines and journals including Bomb, City Lights Review and High Times. In addition to Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black, the first book in Chris Kraus’ Native Agent imprint for Semiotexte, Mueller published several collections of work, including Fan Mail, Frank Letters and Crank Calls (1988) and Garden of Ashes (1990).

Studio Voltaire would like to thank all the contributors to the Cookie Mueller readings series:

Oliver Basciano
Juliette Blightman
Alice Butler
Bonnie Camplin
Adam Christensen
Paul Flynn
Charlie Fox
Aurelia Guo
Martin Hargreaves
Juliet Jacques
Allison Katz
Ian Law
Huw Lemmey
Lucy Mercer
Sophie Robinson
Erica Scourti
Edward Thomasson
and Isabel Waidner