About Bolanle Tujadeen

Bolanle Tajudeen is an accomplished curator and the visionary founder of Black Blossoms, an expansive curatorial platform dedicated to showcasing the work of contemporary artists of colour. Since its inception in 2015, Tajudeen has curated numerous public and gallery art exhibitions celebrating these talented artists’ creativity and unique perspectives, connecting them with new and diverse audiences worldwide.

In 2020, Tajudeen launched the Black Blossoms School of Art and Culture and Journal, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to documenting and highlighting the art histories and current creative practices of artists from historically marginalised backgrounds. As an alternative art school, Black Blossoms offers short educational courses on topics including Art and Revolutionary China, Black British Art, The Black Image in London Galleries, and Curating Black Art. Bolanle teaches ‘Art in the Age of Black Girl Magic,’ an innovative course exploring the historical and contemporary practices of Black women and non-binary artists. Black Blossoms School of Art and Culture has partnered with prestigious cultural institutions, including Art on the Underground, Tate, and the Photographers’ Gallery. Through these collaborations, Black Blossoms aims to ensure that Black and artists of colour are remembered in public consciousness and given the recognition they deserve in the art market sales. This recognition is crucial for developing the art ecosystem, which relies on recognising and valuing artists' work for its growth and sustainability.

With her passionate commitment to uplifting and amplifying the voices of Black women and non-binary artists, Bolanle Tajudeen has significantly impacted the contemporary art world. Her tireless efforts to create spaces and opportunities for all underrepresented artists have earned her a well-deserved reputation as a leader and a trailblazer in her field. Through Black Blossoms she continues to inspire and empower artists and audiences alike, driving social change, creating a more equitable and inclusive art world for all.

    1. Roland Lawar and Anthony Laurencin, As Seen by Me, a duo exhibition co-curated by Studio West and Black Blossoms, 2022, Image courtesy of Black Blossoms
    2. Black Blossoms in collaboration with Kensington and Chelsea Art Week, On Episode Seven by Kimathi Donkar, Holland Park Roundabout Billboard, 2023, Image courtesy of Black Blossoms
    3. A Celebration of Black Art, Exhibition Curated by Black Blossoms, 2021, with work from over 20 Black artists at Huddle, commissioned by Hammersmith BID, Image courtesy of Black Blossoms